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Confident provides built-in functions to show details about the object after creation. The details can be logged/printed and provide clarity about the source of every value in the object.

Multiple Sources Recognition

In order to monitor which fields were loaded from what source, full_fields() can be used. Notice the difference between the source types:

import os
from typing import List

from confident import BaseConfig

class AppConfig(BaseConfig):
    title: str = 'my_application'
    timeout: int
    input_paths: List[str]

    class Config:

os.environ['input_paths'] = '["/tmp/input_a", "/tmp/input_b"]'

config = AppConfig()

#> {
# 'title': ConfigField(name='title', value='my_application', origin_value='my_application', source_name='AppConfig', source_type='class_default', source_location=WindowsPath('')),
# 'timeout': ConfigField(name='timeout', value=60, origin_value=60, source_name='config.yaml', source_type='file', source_location=WindowsPath('config.yaml')),
# 'input_paths': ConfigField(name='input_paths', value=['/tmp/input_a', '/tmp/input_b'], origin_value='["/tmp/input_a", "/tmp/input_b"]', source_name='input_paths', source_type='env_var', source_location='input_paths'),
# }

BaseConfig Object Source Priority

The list of sources to load into the object, from the highest priority to the lowest:


#> ['init', 'env_var', 'map', 'file', 'class_default']

BaseConfig Object Creation Location

The position of the the BaseConfig object declaration:


#> PosixPath('~/MyProject/')

The position of the the BaseConfig object instance creation:


#> PosixPath('~/MyProject/')